AteloGene® Local Use “Quick Gelation”(徐放性局所投与用)
AteloGene® Local Useのゲル化速度と核酸導入効果を向上させた改良品!
本製品はマウスへの局所投与により siRNA/miRNA を生体組織中へ導入し、効率よく細胞内へ導入するためのin vivoトランスフェクション試薬です。
「AteloGene®」の主成分であるアテロコラーゲンは、正に荷電しているため、適切な濃度と割合で核酸と混合することにより、 静電的に複合体を形成します。そして、複合体形成により、in vivoでの核酸分解酵素による核酸の分解を防ぐことが可能です 。
- 「AteloGene®」の主成分であるアテロコラーゲンは、siRNA/miRNAと複合体を形成するため、in vivoでのRNAi効果が長続きします。
- 「AteloGene®」はアテロコラーゲンから作られているため、無毒性です。
- 「AteloGene® Local Use」は生体内でゲル化する性質を持っているため、siRNA/miRNAが投与部位に留まり、in vivoでの核酸導入効果を高める徐放効果が得られます。
- 「AteloGene® Local Use “Quick Gelation”」は投与部位でのゲル形成速度を高めることで、従来品よりもin vivoでの核酸導入効果が向上しています。
①AteloGene® Local Use “Quick Gelation” プレフィルドシリンジ (調製中のロスも含めて540μLで5回投与分) |
540 μL入り × 3 本 |
②QGバッファー | 1.5 mL × 3本* |
③2mLマイクロチューブ | 4本 (予備のチューブ1本を含む) |
④18G注射針 | 8本 (予備の針2本を含む) |
- 1mLディスポーザブルシリンジ
- 27G注射針
- siRNA/miRNA(AteloSiLence in vivo 用siRNA/miRNAのようなPAGE精製またはHPLC精製グレード)
- siRNA/miRNA調製用容器および水(滅菌済み、RNase free)
- 保冷具(クラッシュアイス、コールドブロックなど)
- ローテーター(転倒攪拌できるもの、TAITEC RT-5、Bibby scientific SB3など)
- ピペッターおよびチップ(滅菌済み、RNase free)
- 高速冷却遠心機
- 麻酔薬
製品番号 | 製品 | 包装 | 価格 |
#1490 | AteloGene® Local Use “Quick Gelation” | 1キット(15回投与分※) | ¥75,000 (税込¥82,500) |
保管方法:冷蔵(2〜10℃) 本品は研究用試薬です。
【AteloGene® Local Use “Quick Gelation”を用いたマウス皮下腫瘍モデルへのsiRNA局所投与】
マウス皮下に移植したデュアルルシフェラーゼ発現メラノーマ細胞に対し、「AteloGene® Local Use “QuickGelation”(QG)」を使用してルシフェラーゼsiRNA(Luc siRNA)を局所投与すると、顕著なルシフェラーゼ発現抑制効果が認められた。
- 使用事例1
- 使用事例2
miR-107 局所投与による腫瘍増殖抑制
膵臓がんモデルの皮下腫瘍周囲へmiR-107+AteloGene® を投与(週1回×合計4回)したところ、投与後14、21日目に約60%の腫瘍増殖抑制が認められた。さらに、膵臓がん患者やマウスでは発現が抑制されているmiR-107が、通常マウスと同程度の発現量に上昇した。(Scientific reports. 2017 7(1):5708.)
(データ提供:京都府立医科大学/ 京都第一赤十字病院 小松周平准教授, 今村泰輔先生) -
RasGRP-4 siRNA 局所投与による関節炎の改善
コラーゲン誘導関節炎モデルのラット足首関節内へR a s G R P – 4 s i R N A +AteloGene® を投与(関節炎誘導後14日目に1回)したところ、誘導後35日目にRasGRP-4タンパク質発現が約80%抑制された。さらに、関節破壊の進行が抑制され、関節炎スコアなどが大幅に改善された。(Arthritis Rheumatol. 2015 67(2):396-407.)
(データ提供:北海道大学 河野 通仁助教)
- がん関連
- 運動器
- 皮膚
- 循環器
- 脳神経
- その他
- Low blood level of tumour suppressor miR-5193 as a target of immunotherapy to PD-L1 in gastric cancer.
Kamiya H, Komatsu S, Takashima Y, Ishida R, Arakawa H, Nishibeppu K, Kiuchi J, Imamura T, Ohashi T, Shimizu H, Arita T, Konishi H, Shiozaki A, Kubota T, Fujiwara H, Yagyu S, Iehara T, Otsuji E.
Br J Cancer. 2024 Mar;130(4):671-681. PMID: 38148376.
(胃がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - MicroRNA-34a-5p: A pivotal therapeutic target in gallbladder cancer.
Oda T, Tsutsumi K, Obata T, Ueta E, Kikuchi T, Ako S, Fujii Y, Yamazaki T, Uchida D, Matsumoto K, Horiguchi S, Kato H, Okada H, Chijimatsu R, Otsuka M.
Mol Ther Oncol. 2024 Feb 8;32(1):200765. PMID: 38596294.
NOZ細胞(胆嚢がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Dysregulation of RNA-Exosome machinery is directly linked to major cancer hallmarks in prostate cancer: Oncogenic role of PABPN1.
Sáez-Martínez P, Porcel-Pastrana F, Montero-Hidalgo AJ, Lozano de la Haba S, Sanchez-Sanchez R, González-Serrano T, Gómez-Gómez E, Martínez-Fuentes AJ, Jiménez-Vacas JM, Gahete MD, Luque RM.
Cancer Lett. 2024 Mar 1;584:216604. PMID: 38244911.
DU145細胞(前立腺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Altered CELF4 splicing factor enhances pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors aggressiveness influencing mTOR and everolimus response.
Alors-Pérez E, Pedraza-Arevalo S, Blázquez-Encinas R, García-Vioque V, Agraz-Doblas A, Yubero-Serrano EM, Sánchez-Frías ME, Serrano-Blanch R, Gálvez-Moreno MÁ, Gracia-Navarro F, Gahete MD, Arjona-Sánchez Á, Luque RM, Ibáñez-Costa A, Castaño JP.
Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2023 Dec 5;35(1):102090. PMID: 38187140.
BON-1細胞(神経内分泌腫瘍細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Polycomb group protein BMI1 protects neuroblastoma cells against DNA damage-induced apoptotic cell death.
Akita N, Okada R, Mukae K, Sugino RP, Takenobu H, Chikaraishi K, Ochiai H, Yamaguchi Y, Ohira M, Koseki H, Kamijo T.
Exp Cell Res. 2023 Jan 1;422(1):113412. PMID: 36370852.
SK-N-BE細胞(神経芽細胞腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIM21 targets TIF1γ to regulate β-catenin signaling in glioblastoma. Li Y, Bao L, Zheng H, Geng M, Chen T, Dai X, Xiao H, Yang L, Mao C, Qiu Y, Xu Y, Wang D, Li MX, Chen Q.
Theranostics. 2023 Sep 4;13(14):4919-4935. PMID: 37771771.
U87-MG細胞(神経膠芽腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - PRPF8 increases the aggressiveness of hepatocellular carcinoma by regulating FAK/AKT pathway via fibronectin 1 splicing.
López-Cánovas JL, Hermán-Sánchez N, Del Rio-Moreno M, Fuentes-Fayos AC, Lara-López A, Sánchez-Frias ME, Amado V, Ciria R, Briceño J, de la Mata M, Castaño JP, Rodriguez-Perálvarez M, Luque RM, Gahete MD.
Exp Mol Med. 2023 Jan;55(1):132-142. PMID: 36609600.
Hep3B細胞(肝がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与 - Oncolytic Hairpin DNA Pair: Selective Cytotoxic Inducer through MicroRNA-Triggered DNA Self-Assembly.
Morihiro K, Osumi H, Morita S, Hattori T, Baba M, Harada N, Ohashi R, Okamoto A.
J Am Chem Soc. 2023 Jan 11;145(1):135-142. PMID: 36538570.
B16細胞(メラノーマ細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへの一対のヘアピン構造DNA局所投与。 - MicroRNA-1289 Functions as a Novel Tumor Suppressor in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Nakashiro K-i, Tokuzen N, Saika M, Shirai H, Kuribayashi N, Goda H, Uchida D.
Cancers. 2023; 15(16):4138. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers15164138
GFP-SAS細胞(口腔扁平上皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Plasma miR-1254 as a predictive biomarker of chemosensitivity and a target of nucleic acid therapy in esophageal cancer.
Takashima Y, Komatsu S, Ohashi T, Kiuchi J, Nishibeppu K, Kamiya H, Arakawa H, Ishida R, Shimizu H, Arita T, Konishi H, Shiozaki A, Kubota T, Fujiwara H, Otsuji E.
Cancer Sci. 2023 Jul;114(7):3027-3040. PMID: 37190912.
KYSE790細胞(食道がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Spliceosomal profiling identifies EIF4A3 as a novel oncogene in hepatocellular carcinoma acting through the modulation of FGFR4 splicing.
López-Cánovas JL, Hermán-Sánchez N, Moreno-Montilla MT, Del Rio-Moreno M, Alors-Perez E, Sánchez-Frias ME, Amado V, Ciria R, Briceño J, de la Mata M, Castaño JP, Rodriguez-Perálvarez M, Luque RM, Gahete MD.
Clin Transl Med. 2022 Nov;12(11):e1102. PMID: 36419260.
Hep3B細胞(肝がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Comprehensive genomics in androgen receptor-dependent castration-resistant prostate cancer identifies an adaptation pathway mediated by opioid receptor kappa 1.
Makino Y, Kamiyama Y, Brown JB, Tanaka T, Murakami R, Teramoto Y, Goto T, Akamatsu S, Terada N, Inoue T, Kodama T, Ogawa O, Kobayashi T.
Commun Biol. 2022 Apr 1;5(1):299. PMID: 35365763.
KUCaP2(前立腺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - miRNA‑218 targets multiple oncogenes and is a therapeutic target for osteosarcoma.
Sato K, Osaka E, Fujiwara K, Fujii R, Takayama T, Tokuhashi Y, Nakanishi K.
Oncol Rep. 2022 May;47(5):92. PMID: 35293593.
MG63細胞(骨肉腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Overexpression of Tetraspanin31 contributes to malignant potential and poor outcomes in gastric cancer.
Takashima Y, Komatsu S, Ohashi T, Kiuchi J, Kamiya H, Shimizu H, Arita T, Konishi H, Shiozaki A, Kubota T, Okamoto K, Fujiwara H, Tsuda H, Otsuji E.
Cancer Sci. 2022 Jun;113(6):1984-1998. PMID: 35307915.
NUGC4(胃がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - miR-766-5p Targets Super-Enhancers by Downregulating CBP and BRD4.
Gen Y, Muramatsu T, Inoue J, Inazawa J.
Cancer Res. 2021 Oct 15;81(20):5190-5201. PMID: 34353856.
HCT116細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Cancer type‑SLCO1B3 promotes epithelial‑mesenchymal transition resulting in the tumour progression of non‑small cell lung cancer.
Hase H, Aoki M, Matsumoto K, Nakai S, Nagata T, Takeda A, Ueda K, Minami K, Kitae K, Jingushi K, Ueda Y, Yamamoto M, Furukawa T, Sato M, Tsujikawa K.
Oncol Rep. 2021 Jan;45(1):309-316. PMID: 33155667.A549細胞(肺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - LncRNA OTUD6B-AS1 Induces Cisplatin Resistance in Cervical Cancer Cells Through Up-Regulating Cyclin D2 via miR-206.
Hou H, Yu R, Zhao H, Yang H, Hu Y, Hu Y, Guo J.
Front Oncol. 2021 Oct 22;11:777220. PMID: 34746018.
SiHa細胞(子宮頚がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Depletion of tumor suppressor miRNA-148a in plasma relates to tumor progression and poor outcomes in gastric cancer.
Komatsu S, Imamura T, Kiuchi J, Takashima Y, Kamiya H, Ohashi T, Konishi H, Shiozaki A, Kubota T, Okamoto K, Otsuji E.
Am J Cancer Res. 2021 Dec 15;11(12):6133-6146. PMID: 35018247
MKN45細胞(胃がん細胞)の腹膜播種モデルマウスへのmiRNA腹腔内投与。 - De novo deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis regulates cell growth and tumor progression in small-cell lung carcinoma.
Maruyama A, Sato Y, Nakayama J, Murai J, Ishikawa T, Soga T, Makinoshima H.
Sci Rep. 2021 Jun 29;11(1):13474. PMID: 34188151.
DMS 273細胞やH1048細胞(肺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Pharmacological Inhibition of miR-130 Family Suppresses Bladder Tumor Growth by Targeting Various Oncogenic Pathways via PTPN1.
Monoe Y, Jingushi K, Kawase A, Hirono T, Hirose R, Nakatsuji Y, Kitae K, Ueda Y, Hase H, Abe Y, Adachi J, Tomonaga T, Tsujikawa K.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Apr 29;22(9):4751. PMID: 33947152
5637細胞(膀胱がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスやUM-UC-3 Fluc細胞(膀胱がん細胞)の同所移植モデルマウスへのLNA局所投与。 - MicroRNA-206 suppresses mesothelioma progression via the Ras signaling axis.
Singh A, Pruett N, Pahwa R, Mahajan AP, Schrump DS, Hoang CD.
Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2021 Apr 3;24:669-681. PMID: 33996251
H2373細胞(中皮腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Theranostic application of miR-429 in HER2+ breast cancer.
Cava C, Novello C, Martelli C, Lodico A, Ottobrini L, Piccotti F, Truffi M, Corsi F, Bertoli G, Castiglioni I.
Theranostics. 2020 Jan 1;10(1):50-61. PMID: 31903105
SKBR3細胞(乳がん細胞)の同所移植モデルマウスへのmiRNA inhibitor局所投与。 - Inhibition of Importin β1 Augments the Anticancer Effect of Agonistic Anti-Death Receptor 5 Antibody in TRAIL-resistant Tumor Cells.
Kojima Y, Nishina T, Nakano H, Okumura K, Takeda K.
Mol Cancer Ther. 2020 May;19(5):1123-1133. PMID: 32156787.
HeLa細胞(子宮頸がん細胞)やHepG2細胞(肝がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのshRNA局所投与。 - A novel long noncoding RNA Linc-ASEN represses cellular senescence through multileveled reduction of p21 expression.
Lee HC, Kang D, Han N, Lee Y, Hwang HJ, Lee SB, You JS, Min BS, Park HJ, Ko YG, Gorospe M, Lee JS.
Cell Death Differ. 2020 Jun;27(6):1844-1861. PMID: 31819156
大腸がんPDXモデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Splicing machinery dysregulation drives glioblastoma development/aggressiveness: oncogenic role of SRSF3.
Fuentes-Fayos AC, Vázquez-Borrego MC, Jiménez-Vacas JM, Bejarano L, Pedraza-Arévalo S, L-López F, Blanco-Acevedo C, Sánchez-Sánchez R, Reyes O, Ventura S, Solivera J, Breunig JJ, Blasco MA, Gahete MD, Castaño JP, Luque RM.
Brain. 2020 Dec 5;143(11):3273-3293. PMID: 33141183.
U-87 MG細胞(神経膠芽腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - miR-497-5p mediates starvation-induced death in colon cancer cells by targeting acyl-CoA synthetase-5 and modulation of lipid metabolism.
Gharib E, Nasri Nasrabadi P, Reza Zali M.
J Cell Physiol. 2020 Jul;235(7-8):5570-5589. PMID: 32012265
(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - miR-1293, a Candidate for miRNA-Based Cancer Therapeutics, Simultaneously Targets BRD4 and the DNA Repair Pathway.
Takagawa Y, Gen Y, Muramatsu T, Tanimoto K, Inoue J, Harada H, Inazawa J.
Mol Ther. 2020 Jun 3;28(6):1494-1505. PMID: 32320642.
HCT-116細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - MiR-1 Suppresses Proliferation of Osteosarcoma Cells by Up-regulating p21 via PAX3.
Fujii R, Osaka E, Sato K, Tokuhashi Y.
Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2019 Jan-Feb;16(1):71-79. PMID: 30587501
MG63細胞(骨肉腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - TWEAK/Fn14 Interaction Confers Aggressive Properties to Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Hu G, Liang L, Liu Y, Liu J, Tan X, Xu M, Peng L, Zhai S, Li Q, Chu Z, Zeng W, Xia Y.
J Invest Dermatol. 2019 Apr;139(4):796-806. PMID: 30414907
A431細胞(類表皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Augmented antitumor activity of 5-fluorouracil by double knockdown of MDM4 and MDM2 in colon and gastric cancer cells.
Imanishi M, Yamamoto Y, Wang X, Sugaya A, Hirose M, Endo S, Natori Y, Yamato K, Hyodo I.
Cancer Sci. 2019 Feb;110(2):639-649. PMID: 30488540.
HCT116細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Integrin α6β4-Src-AKT signaling induces cellular senescence by counteracting apoptosis in irradiated tumor cells and tissues.
Jung SH, Lee M, Park HA, Lee HC, Kang D, Hwang HJ, Park C, Yu DM, Jung YR, Hong MN, Kim YN, Park HJ, Ko YG, Lee JS.
Cell Death Differ. 2019 Jan;26(2):245-259. PMID: 29786073 - Low levels of tumour suppressor miR-655 in plasma contribute to lymphatic progression and poor outcomes in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Kiuchi J, Komatsu S, Imamura T, Nishibeppu K, Shoda K, Arita T, Kosuga T, Konishi H, Shiozaki A, Okamoto K, Fujiwara H, Ichikawa D, Otsuji E.
Mol Cancer. 2019 Jan 4;18(1):2. PMID: 30609933
KYSE790細胞(食道扁平上皮がん細胞)の膝窩リンパ節転移モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Absence of Cytosolic 2-Cys Prx Subtypes I and II Exacerbates TNF-α-Induced Apoptosis via Different Routes.
Lee S, Lee JY, Lee EW, Park S, Kang DH, Min C, Lee DJ, Kang D, Song J, Kwon J, Kang SW.
Cell Rep. 2019 Feb 19;26(8):2194-2211.e6. PMID: 30784599
HeLa細胞(子宮頸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - The long noncoding RNA HORAS5 mediates castration-resistant prostate cancer survival by activating the androgen receptor transcriptional program.
Parolia A, Venalainen E, Xue H, Mather R, Lin D, Wu R, Pucci P, Rogalski J, Evans JR, Feng F, Collins CC, Wang Y, Crea F.
Mol Oncol. 2019 May;13(5):1121-1136. PMID: 30776192
LNCaP細胞(前立腺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Cadherin 11 Inhibition Downregulates β-catenin, Deactivates the Canonical WNT Signalling Pathway and Suppresses the Cancer Stem Cell-Like Phenotype of Triple Negative Breast Cancer.
Satriyo PB, Bamodu OA, Chen JH, Aryandono T, Haryana SM, Yeh CT Chao TY.
J Clin Med. 2019 Jan 27;8(2). pii: E148. PMID: 30691241
MDA-MB-231細胞(乳がん細胞)、Hs578T(乳がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - MicroRNA-215-5p Treatment Suppresses Mesothelioma Progression via the MDM2-p53-Signaling Axis.
Singh A, Bhattacharyya N, Srivastava A, Pruett N, Ripley RT, Schrump DS, Hoang CD.
Mol Ther. 2019 Sep 4;27(9):1665-1680. PMID: 31227395
H2373細胞(中皮腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。また、同所移植モデルマウス胸腔内へのmiRNA局所投与。 - MCL1 inhibition enhances the therapeutic effect of MEK inhibitors in KRAS-mutant lung adenocarcinoma cells.
Tada M, Sumi T, Tanaka Y, Hirai S, Yamaguchi M, Miyajima M, Niki T, Takahashi H, Watanabe A, Sakuma Y.
Lung Cancer. 2019 Jul;133:88-95. PMID: 31200834.
H441細胞(肺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - MicroRNA-8073: Tumor suppressor and potential therapeutic treatment.
Mizoguchi A, Takayama A, Arai T, Kawauchi J, Sudo H.
PLoS One. 2018 Dec 27;13(12):e0209750. PMID: 30589909 .
HCT116細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Screening for long noncoding RNAs associated with oral squamous cell carcinoma reveals the potentially oncogenic actions of DLEU1.
Nishiyama K, Maruyama R, Niinuma T, Kai M, Kitajima H, Toyota M, Hatanaka Y, Igarashi T, Kobayashi JI, Ogi K, Dehari H, Miyazaki A, Yorozu A, Yamamoto E, Idogawa M4, Sasaki Y, Sugai T, Tokino T, Hiratsuka H, Suzuki H.
Cell Death Dis. 2018 Aug 1;9(8):826. PMID: 30069008
HSC-3細胞(口腔扁平上皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Survivin knockdown induces senescence in TTF‑1-expressing, KRAS-mutant lung adenocarcinomas.
Sumi T, Hirai S, Yamaguchi M, Tanaka Y, Tada M, Yamada G, Hasegawa T, Miyagi Y, Niki T, Watanabe A, Takahashi H, Sakuma Y.
Int J Oncol. 2018 Jul;53(1):33-46. PMID: 29658609
H358細胞(肺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - miR-3140 suppresses tumor cell growth by targeting BRD4 via its coding sequence and downregulates the BRD4-NUT fusion oncoprotein.
Tonouchi E, Gen Y, Muramatsu T, Hiramoto H, Tanimoto K, Inoue J, Inazawa J.
Sci Rep. 2018 Mar 14;8(1):4482. PMID: 29540837
MIAPaCa2細胞(膵臓がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Depleted tumor suppressor miR-107 in plasma relates to tumor progression and is a novel therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer
Taisuke Imamura, Shuhei Komatsu, Daisuke Ichikawa, Mahito Miyamae, Wataru Okajima, Takuma Ohashi, Jun Kiuchi, Keiji Nishibeppu, Hirotaka Konishi, Atsushi Shiozaki, Ryo Morimura, Hisashi Ikoma, Toshiya Ochiai, Kazuma Okamoto, Hiroki Taniguchi, Eigo Otsuji
Sci Rep. 2017 Jul 18;7(1):5708. PMID: 28720759
MIAPaCa2細胞(膵臓がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Opposite effects of tumor protein D (TPD) 52 and TPD54 on oral squamous cell carcinoma cells.
Kato K, Mukudai Y, Motohashi H, Ito C, Kamoshida S, Shimane T, Kondo S, Shirota T.
Int J Oncol. 2017 May;50(5):1634-1646. PMID: 28339026
SAS細胞(口腔扁平上皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Ephrin-B2 reverse signaling regulates progression and lymph node metastasis of oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Sasabe E, Tomomura A, Tomita R, Sento S, Kitamura N, Yamamoto T.
PLoS One. 2017 Nov 30;12(11):e0188965. PMID: 29190834
SAS-L1細胞(口腔扁平上皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。また、同所移植モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Radiation-inducible miR-770-5p sensitizes tumors to radiation through direct targeting of PDZ-binding kinase.
Lee HC, Her NG, Kang D, Jung SH, Shin J, Lee M, Bae IH, Kim YN, Park HJ, Ko YG, Lee JS
Cell Death Dis. 2017 Mar 23;8(3):e2693. PMID: 28333152
HCT116細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - The microRNA miR-516a-3p regulates the Wnt pathway by targeting extracellular sulfatase 1
in human scirrhous gastric cancers: Anti-metastatic therapy via miRNA-based medicine
Yoshifumi Takei, Akiko Suzuki, Keichiro Mihara, Kazuyoshi Yanagihara
Medical Research Archives, Vol. 5, Issue 7, July 2017
58As9細胞(スキルス胃がん細胞)の同所移植モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与 - ANKRD22 promotes progression of non-small cell lung cancer through transcriptional up-regulation of E2F1.
Yin J, Fu W, Dai L, Jiang Z, Liao H, Chen W, Pan L, Zhao J.
Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 30;7(1):4430. PMID: 28667340
H1299細胞(肺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Oncogenic role of rab escort protein 1 through EGFR and STAT3 pathway.
Yun UJ, Sung JY, Park SY, Ye SK, Shim J, Lee JS, Hibi M, Bae YK, Kim YN.
Cell Death Dis. 2017 Feb 23;8(2):e2621. PMID: 28230863
A431細胞(類表皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Pharmacological regulation of bladder cancer by miR-130 family seed-targeting LNA.
Egawa H, Jingushi K, Hirono T, Hirose R, Nakatsuji Y, et al.
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5637細胞(膀胱がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのLNA局所投与。 - Nek2 siRNA therapy using a portal venous port-catheter system for liver metastasis in pancreatic cancer.
Kokuryo T, Hibino S, Suzuki K, Watanabe K, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Senga T, Hamaguchi M.
Cancer Sci. 2016 Sep;107(9):1315-20. PMID: 27316377
KLM1細胞(膵臓がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - A therapeutic trial of human melanomas with combined small interfering RNAs targeting adaptor molecules p130Cas and paxillin activated under expression of ganglioside GD3.
Makino Y, Hamamura K, Takei Y, Bhuiyan RH, Ohkawa Y, Ohmi Y, Nakashima H, Furukawa K, Furukawa K.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016 Aug;1860(8):1753-63. PMID: 27068854
メラノーマ細胞の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Docetaxel induced-JNK2/PHD1 signaling pathway increases degradation of HIF-1α and causes cancer cell death under hypoxia.
Oh ET, Kim CW, Kim SJ, Lee JS, Hong SS, Park HJ.
Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 6;6:27382. PMID: 27263528
MDA-MB-231細胞(乳がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Unfavorable neuroblastoma prognostic factor NLRR2 inhibits cell differentiation by transcriptional induction through JNK pathway.
Sheikh A, Takatori A, Hossain MS, Hasan MK, Tagawa M, Nagase H, Nakagawara A.
Cancer Sci. 2016 Sep;107(9):1223-32. PMID: 27357360
SK‐N‐BE細胞(神経芽細胞腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Regulation of SLD5 gene expression by miR-370 during acute growth of cancer cells.
Yamane K, Naito H, Wakabayashi T, Yoshida H, Muramatsu F, Iba T, Kidoya H, Takakura N.
Sci Rep. 2016 Aug 8;6:30941. PMID: 27499248
T24細胞(膀胱がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNAおよびsiRNA局所投与。 - Usefulness of microRNA‑375 as a prognostic and therapeutic tool in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Isozaki, Y., Hoshino, I., Akutsu, Y., Hanari, N., Mori, M., Nishimori, T., Murakami, K., Akanuma, N., Takeshita, N., Maruyama, T., Toyozumi, T., Takahashi, M., Suito, H., & Matsubara, H.
Int J Oncol. 2015 Mar;46(3):1059-66. PMID: 25501018
T.Tn細胞およびTE-2細胞(食道扁平上皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Arl4c expression in colorectal and lung cancers promotes tumorigenesis and may represent a novel therapeutic target.
Fujii S, Matsumoto S, Nojima S, Morii E, Kikuchi A.
Oncogene. 2015 Sep 10;34(37):4834-44. PMID: 25486429
HCT116細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - MiR-634 activates the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway and enhances chemotherapy-induced cytotoxicity.
Fujiwara N, Inoue J, Kawano T, Tanimoto K, Kozaki KI, Inazawa J.
Cancer Res. 2015 Sep 15;75(18):3890-901. PMID: 26216549
KYSE170細胞(食道扁平上皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - RFPL4A increases the G1 population and decreases sensitivity to chemotherapy in human colorectal cancer cells.
Naito A, Yamamoto H, Kagawa Y, Naito Y, Okuzaki D, Otani K, Iwamoto Y, Maeda S, Kikuta J, Nishikawa K, Uemura M, Nishimura J, Hata T, Takemasa I, Mizushima T, Ishii H, Doki Y, Mori M, Ishii M.
J Biol Chem. 2015 Mar 6;290(10):6326-37. PMID: 25605732
HCT116細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Efficient inhibition of tumor angiogenesis and growth by a synthetic peptide blocking S100A4-methionine aminopeptidase 2 interaction.
Ochiya T, Takenaga K, Asagiri M, Nakano K, Satoh H, Watanabe T,
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Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 2015 Apr 1;2:15008. PMID: 26029719
PC-3M-Luc細胞(前立腺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのペプチド局所投与。 - Ubiquilin 2 enhances osteosarcoma progression through resistance to hypoxic stress.
Tsukamoto S, Shimada K, Honoki K, Kido A, Akahane M, Tanaka Y, Konishi N.
Oncol Rep. 2015 Apr;33(4):1799-806. PMID: 25672654
COS1NR細胞(骨肉腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルラットへのsiRNA局所投与。 - APOBEC3B-Mediated Cytidine Deamination Is Required for Estrogen Receptor Action in Breast Cancer.
Periyasamy M, Patel H, Lai CF, Nguyen VT, Nevedomskaya E, Harrod A, Russell R, Remenyi J, Ochocka AM, Thomas RS, Fuller-Pace F, Győrffy B, Caldas C, Navaratnam N, Carroll JS, Zwart W, Coombes RC, Magnani L, Buluwela L, Ali S.
Cell Rep. 2015 Oct 6;13(1):108-21. PMID: 26411678
MCF-7細胞(乳がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Aurora kinase A has a significant role as a therapeutic target and clinical biomarker in endometrial cancer.
Umene K, Yanokura M, Banno K, Irie H, Adachi M, Iida M, Nakamura K, Nogami Y, Masuda K, Kobayashi Y, Tominaga E, Aoki D.
Int J Oncol. 2015 Apr;46(4):1498-506. PMID: 25625960
HEC-1B細胞(子宮体がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Glyoxalase I is differentially expressed in cutaneous neoplasms and contributes to the progression of squamous cell carcinoma.
Zou XY, Ding D, Zhan N, Liu XM, Pan C, Xia YM.
J Invest Dermatol. 2015 Feb;135(2):589-98. PMID: 25184957
SCC-13細胞(扁平上皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - RNA interference against cancer/testis genes identifies DUSP21 as a potential therapeutic target in human hepatocellular carcinoma.
Deng Q, Li KY, Chen H, Dai JH, Zhai YY, Wang Q, Li N, Wang YP, Han ZG.
Hepatology. 2014 Feb;59(2):518-30. PMID: 23929653
MHCC‐97H(肝細胞がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - MicroRNAs cooperatively inhibit a network of tumor suppressor genes to promote pancreatic tumor growth and progression.
Frampton AE, Castellano L, Colombo T, Giovannetti E, Krell J, Jacob J, Pellegrino L, Roca-Alonso L, Funel N, Gall TM, De Giorgio A, Pinho FG, Fulci V, Britton DJ, Ahmad R, Habib NA, Coombes RC, Harding V, Knösel T, Stebbing J, Jiao LR.
Gastroenterology. 2014 Jan;146(1):268-77.e18. PMID: 24120476
MIAPaca-2細胞およびPANC-1細胞(膵臓がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA inhibitor局所投与。 - Guanine nucleotide-binding protein 1 is one of the key molecules contributing to cancer cell radioresistance.
Fukumoto M, Amanuma T, Kuwahara Y, Shimura T, Suzuki M, Mori S, Kumamoto H, Saito Y, Ohkubo Y, Duan Z, Sano K, Oguchi T, Kainuma K, Usami S, Kinoshita K, Lee I, Fukumoto M.
Cancer Sci. 2014 Oct;105(10):1351-9. PMID: 25098609
SAS細胞およびSAS-R1細胞(口腔扁平上皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Paired box 2 upregulates androgen receptor gene expression in androgen-independent prostate cancer.
Ito S, Ueda T, Ueno A, Nakagawa H, Taniguchi H, Hongo F, Kamoi K, Okihara K, Kawauchi A, Miki T.
FEBS J. 2014 Oct;281(19):4506-18. PMID: 25132193
22Rv1細胞(前立腺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - High expression of protein tyrosine kinase 7 significantly associates with invasiveness and poor prognosis in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Jin J, Ryu HS, Lee KB, Jang JJ.
PLoS One. 2014 Feb 28;9(2):e90247. PMID: 24587299
HuCCT細胞(胆管がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Significant involvement of herpesvirus entry mediator in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Migita K, Sho M, Shimada K, Yasuda S, Yamato I, Takayama T, Matsumoto S, Wakatsuki K, Hotta K, Tanaka T, Ito M, Konishi N, Nakajima Y.
Cancer. 2014 Mar 15;120(6):808-17. PMID: 24249528
Colon-26細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Targeting CB2-GPR55 Receptor Heteromers Modulates Cancer Cell Signaling.
Moreno E, Andradas C, Medrano M, Caffarel MM, Pérez-Gómez E, Blasco-Benito S, Gómez-Cañas M, Pazos MR, Irving AJ, Lluís C, Canela EI, Fernández-Ruiz J, Guzmán M, McCormick PJ, Sánchez C.
J Biol Chem. 2014 Aug 8;289(32):21960-72. PMID: 24942731
T98G(神経膠芽腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - miR-296/Scribble axis is deregulated in human breast cancer and miR-296 restoration reduces tumour growth in vivo.
Savi F, Forno I, Faversani A, Luciani A, Caldiera S, Gatti S, Foa P, Ricca D, Bulfamante G, Vaira V, Bosari S.
Clin Sci (Lond). 2014 Aug;127(4):233-42. PMID: 24527800
MDA-MB-231細胞(乳がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - AFAP1L1, a novel associating partner with vinculin, modulates cellular morphology and motility, and promotes the progression of colorectal cancers.
Takahashi R, Nagayama S, Furu M, Kajita Y, Jin Y, Kato T, Imoto S, Sakai Y, Toguchida J.
Cancer Med. 2014 Aug;3(4):759-74. PMID: 24723436
RKO細胞、LoVo細胞、SW480細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - BMP4/Thrombospondin-1 loop paracrinically inhibits tumor angiogenesis and suppresses the growth of solid tumors.
Tsuchida R, Osawa T, Wang F, Nishii R, Das B, Tsuchida S, Muramatsu M, Takahashi T, Inoue T, Wada Y, Minami T, Yuasa Y, Shibuya M.
Oncogene. 2014 Jul 17;33(29):3803-11 .PMID: 24013228
HeLa細胞(子宮頸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Potential of tumor-suppressive miR-596 targeting LGALS3BP as a therapeutic agent in oral cancer.
Endo H, Muramatsu T, Furuta M, Uzawa N, Pimkhaokham A, Amagasa T, Inazawa J, Kozaki K.
Carcinogenesis. 2013 Mar;34(3):560-9. PMID: 23233740
NA細胞(口腔扁平上皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Y-box binding protein-1 regulates cell proliferation and is associated with clinical outcomes of osteosarcoma.
Fujiwara-Okada Y, Matsumoto Y, Fukushi J, Setsu N, Matsuura S, Kamura S, Fujiwara T, Iida K, Hatano M, Nabeshima A, Yamada H, Ono M, Oda Y, Iwamoto Y.
Br J Cancer. 2013 Mar 5;108(4):836-47. PMID: 23462806
MNNG細胞(骨肉腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - miR-146a enhances the oncogenicity of oral carcinoma by concomitant targeting of the IRAK1, TRAF6 and NUMB genes.
Hung PS, Liu CJ, Chou CS, Kao SY, Yang CC, Chang KW, Chiu TH, Lin SC.
PLoS One. 2013 Nov 26;8(11):e79926. PMID: 24302991
SAS細胞およびOECM-1細胞(口腔扁平上皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのLNAおよびsiRNA局所投与。 - Ubiquitin C-terminal Hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) Acts as a Novel Potentiator of Cyclin-dependent Kinases to Enhance Cell Proliferation, Independent of its Hydrolase Activity.
Kabuta T, Mitsui T, Takahashi M, Fujiwara Y, Kabuta C, Konya C, Tsuchiya Y, Hatanaka Y, Uchida K, Hohjoh H, Wada K.
J Biol Chem. 2013 May 3;288(18):12615-26. PMID: 23543736
MCF7細胞(乳がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Cell cycle-dependent Rho GTPase activity dynamically regulates cancer cell motility and invasion in vivo.
Kagawa Y, Matsumoto S, Kamioka Y, Mimori K, Naito Y, Ishii T, Okuzaki D, Nishida N, Maeda S, Naito A, Kikuta J, Nishikawa K, Nishimura J, Haraguchi N, Takemasa I, Mizushima T, Ikeda M, Yamamoto H, Sekimoto M, Ishii H, Doki Y, Matsuda M, Kikuchi A, Mori M, Ishii M.
PLoS One. 2013 Dec 30;8(12):e83629. PMID: 24386239
HCT116細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - In vivo delivery of siRNA targeting vasohibin-2 decreases tumor angiogenesis and suppresses tumor growth in ovarian cancer.
Koyanagi T, Suzuki Y, Saga Y, Machida S, Takei Y, Fujiwara H, Suzuki M, Sato Y.
Cancer Sci. 2013 Dec;104(12):1705-10. PMID: 24118388
DISS細胞およびSKOV‐3細胞(卵巣がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Targeting the Vav3 oncogene enhances docetaxel-induced apoptosis through the inhibition of androgen receptor phosphorylation in LNCaP prostate cancer cells under chronic hypoxia.
Nomura T, Yamasaki M, Hirai K, Inoue T, Sato R, Matsuura K, Moriyama M, Sato F, Mimata H.
Mol Cancer. 2013 Apr 8;12:27. PMID: 23566222
LNCaPH細胞(前立腺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - MicroRNA-196a is a putative diagnostic biomarker and therapeutic target for laryngeal cancer.
Saito K, Inagaki K, Kamimoto T, Ito Y, Sugita T, Nakajo S, Hirasawa A, Iwamaru A, Ishikura T, Hanaoka H, Okubo K, Onozaki T, Zama T.
PLoS One. 2013 Aug 14;8(8):e71480. PMID: 23967217
JHU-011細胞(喉頭がん細胞)の同所移植モデルマウスへのmiRNA inhibitor局所投与。 - YB-1 suppression induces STAT3 proteolysis and sensitizes renal cancer to interferon-α.
Takeuchi A, Shiota M, Tatsugami K, Yokomizo A, Kuroiwa K, Dejima T, Tanaka S, Itsumi M, Eto M, Naito S.
Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2013 Mar;62(3):517-27. PMID: 23052245
腎細胞がん細胞の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Temozolomide suppresses MYC via activation of TAp63 to inhibit progression of human glioblastoma.
Yamaki T, Suenaga Y, Iuchi T, Alagu J, Takatori A, Itami M, Araki A, Ohira M, Inoue M, Kageyama H, Yokoi S, Saeki N, Nakagawara A.
Sci Rep. 2013;3:1160. PMID: 23362460
U87MG細胞(神経膠芽腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Plasma membrane-associated sialidase (NEU3) regulates progression of prostate cancer to androgen-independent growth through modulation of androgen receptor signaling.
Kawamura S, Sato I, Wada T, Yamaguchi K, Li Y, Li D, Zhao X, Ueno S, Aoki H, Tochigi T, Kuwahara M, Kitamura T, Takahashi K, Moriya S, Miyagi T.
Cell Death Differ. 2012 Jan;19(1):170-9. PMID:21681193
PC-3細胞(前立腺がん細胞の方)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Wig1 prevents cellular senescence by regulating p21 mRNA decay through control of RISC recruitment.
Kim BC, Lee HC, Lee JJ, Choi CM, Kim DK, Lee JC, Ko YG, Lee JS.
EMBO J. 2012 Nov 14;31(22):4289-303. PMID: 23085987
H460細胞(肺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Anti-tumor effect of AlkB homolog 3 knockdown in hormone-independent prostate cancer cells.
Koike K, Ueda Y, Hase H, Kitae K, Fusamae Y, Masai S, Inagaki T, Saigo Y, Hirasawa S, Nakajima K, Ohshio I, Makino Y, Konishi N, Yamamoto H, Tsujikawa K.
Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2012 Sep;12(7):847-56. PMID:22515525
DU145細胞(前立腺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Up-regulation of endogenous PML induced by a combination of interferon-beta and temozolomide enhances p73/YAP-mediated apoptosis in glioblastoma.
Okazaki T, Kageji T, Kuwayama K, Kitazato KT, Mure H, Hara K, Morigaki R, Mizobuchi Y, Matsuzaki K, Nagahiro S.
Cancer Lett. 2012 Oct 28;323(2):199-207. PMID:22542810
神経膠芽腫細胞の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - D-amino acid oxidase gene therapy sensitizes glioma cells to the antiglycolytic effect of 3-bromopyruvate.
El Sayed SM, Abou El-Magd RM, Shishido Y, Chung SP, Sakai T, Watanabe H, Kagami S, Fukui K.
Cancer Gene Ther. 2012 Jan;19(1):1-18. PMID:21921941
C6細胞(神経膠腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルラットへのプラスミドDNA局所投与。 - ALKBH3 contributes to survival and angiogenesis of human urothelial carcinoma cells through NADPH oxidase and Tweak/Fn14/VEGF signals.
Shimada K, Fujii T, Anai S, Fujimoto K, Konishi N.
Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Oct 1;18(19):5247-55. PMID:22850567
KU7-GFP細胞(膀胱がん細胞)のCAMアッセイ時や同所移植モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - ZDHHC8 knockdown enhances radiosensitivity and suppresses tumor growth in a mesothelioma mouse model.
Sudo H, Tsuji AB, Sugyo A, Ogawa Y, Sagara M, Saga T.
Cancer Sci. 2012 Feb;103(2):203-9. PMID:22017350
211H細胞(中皮種細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Therapeutic Potential of SOX2 Inhibition for Embryonal Carcinoma.
Ushida H, Chano T, Minami K, Kita H, Kawakami T, Okabe H, Okada Y, Okamoto K.
J Urol. 2012 May;187(5):1876-81. PMID:22425046
NEC8細胞(精巣胚細胞性腫瘍細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - NKX2-1/TITF1/TTF-1-Induced ROR1 is required to sustain EGFR survival signaling in lung adenocarcinoma.
Yamaguchi T, Yanagisawa K, Sugiyama R, Hosono Y, Shimada Y, Arima C, Kato S, Tomida S, Suzuki M, Osada H, Takahashi T.
Cancer Cell. 2012 Mar 20;21(3):348-61. PMID:22439932
H1975細胞(肺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Nestin as a novel therapeutic target for pancreatic cancer via tumor angiogenesis.
Yamahatsu K1, Matsuda Y, Ishiwata T, Uchida E, Naito Z.
Int J Oncol. 2012 May;40(5):1345-57. PMID: 22246533
KLM-1 細胞(膵臓がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - PCA-1/ALKBH3 contributes to pancreatic cancer by supporting apoptotic resistance and angiogenesis.
Yamato I, Sho M, Shimada K, Hotta K, Ueda Y, Yasuda S, Shigi N, Konishi N, Tsujikawa K, Nakajima Y.
Cancer Res. 2012 Sep 15;72(18):4829-39. PMID:22826605
PANC-1細胞(膵臓がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。また、同所移植モデルへのsiRNA局所投与。 - The orphan G protein-coupled receptor GPR55 promotes cancer cell proliferation via ERK.
Andradas C, Caffarel MM, Pérez-Gómez E, Salazar M, Lorente M, Velasco G, Guzmán M, Sánchez C.
Oncogene. 2011 Jan 13;30(2):245-52. PMID:20818416
T98G細胞(神経膠芽腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - RECQL1 and WRN proteins are potential therapeutic targets in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Arai A, Chano T, Futami K, Furuichi Y, Ikebuchi K, Inui T, Tameno H, Ochi Y, Shimada T, Hisa Y, Okabe H.
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FaDu細胞(咽頭がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - GEP100-Arf6-AMAP1-cortactin pathway frequently used in cancer invasion is activated by VEGFR2 to promote angiogenesis.
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MDA-MB-231細胞(乳がん細胞)が播種されたangioreacter tube内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Transient silencing of galectin-3 expression promotes both in vitro and in vivo drug-induced apoptosis of human pancreatic carcinoma cells.
Kobayashi T, Shimura T, Yajima T, Kubo N, Araki K, Wada W, Tsutsumi S, Suzuki H, Kuwano H, Raz A.
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MIA-PaCa2細胞(膵臓がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Stimulation of the midkine/ALK axis renders glioma cells resistant to cannabinoid antitumoral action.
Lorente M, Torres S, Salazar M, Carracedo A, Hernández-Tiedra S, Rodríguez-Fornés F, García-Taboada E, Meléndez B, Mollejo M, Campos-Martín Y, Lakatosh SA, Barcia J, Guzmán M, Velasco G.
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U-87MG細胞およびT98G細胞(神経膠芽腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - miR-135b mediates NPM-ALK-driven oncogenicity and renders IL-17-producing immunophenotype to anaplastic large cell lymphoma.
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KARPAS 299細胞(未分化大細胞リンパ腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのLNA局所投与。 - ZNF689 suppresses apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells through the down-regulation of Bcl-2 family members.
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HepG2細胞(肝細胞がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - The metastasis-associated microRNA miR-516a-3p is a novel therapeutic target for inhibiting peritoneal dissemination of human scirrhous gastric cancer.
Takei Y, Takigahira M, Mihara K, Tarumi Y, Yanagihara K.
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44As3細胞(スキルス胃がん細胞)の同所移植モデルマウスへのmiRNA発現べクター局所投与。 - Synthetic siRNA targeting the breakpoint of EWS/Fli-1 inhibits growth of Ewing sarcoma xenografts in a mouse model.
Takigami I, Ohno T, Kitade Y, Hara A, Nagano A, Kawai G, Saitou M, Matsuhashi A, Yamada K, Shimizu K.
Int J Cancer. 2011 Jan 1;128(1):216-26. PMID:20648560
TC‐135細胞(ユーイング肉腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - ALKBH3, a human AlkB homologue, contributes to cell survival in human non-small-cell lung cancer.
Tasaki M, Shimada K, Kimura H, Tsujikawa K, Konishi N.
Br J Cancer. 2011 Feb 15;104(4):700-6. PMID:21285982
A549細胞およびRERF-LC-AI細胞(肺がん細胞)の腹膜播種モデルマウスへのsiRNA腹腔内投与。 - Suppression of SOCS3 increases susceptibility of renal cell carcinoma to interferon-α.
Tomita S, Ishibashi K, Hashimoto K, Sugino T, Yanagida T, Kushida N, Shishido K, Aikawa K, Sato Y, Suzutani T, Yamaguchi O.
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786‐O細胞(腎細胞がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - miR-152 is a tumor suppressor microRNA that is silenced by DNA hypermethylation in endometrial cancer.
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Cancer Res. 2011 Oct 15;71(20):6450-62. PMID:21868754
HEC-1細胞(子宮体がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのmiRNA局所投与。 - Anti-tumoral action of cannabinoids on hepatocellular carcinoma: role of AMPK-dependent activation of autophagy.
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HepG2細胞(肝細胞がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - The cancer/testis antigen prostate-associated gene 4 (PAGE4) is a highly intrinsically disordered protein.
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LNCaP細胞(前立腺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Atelocollagen-delivered siRNA targeting the FABP5 gene as an experimental therapy for prostate cancer in mouse xenografts.
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Int J Oncol. 2010 Jan;36(1):69-76. PMID:19956834
PC3-M細胞(前立腺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Shank-interacting protein-like 1 promotes tumorigenesis via PTEN inhibition in human tumor cells.
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J Clin Invest. 2010 Jun 1;120(6):2094-108. PMID:20458142
HeLa細胞(子宮頸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - miR-31 ablates expression of the HIF regulatory factor FIH to activate the HIF pathway in head and neck carcinoma.
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Cancer Res. 2010 Feb 15;70(4):1635-44. PMID:20145132
SAS細胞(口腔扁平上皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのLNA局所投与。 - Cyclin K and cyclin D1b are oncogenic in myeloma cells.
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LP-1細胞(骨髄腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - EWS/Fli-1 chimeric fusion gene upregulates vascular endothelial growth factor-A.
Nagano A, Ohno T, Shimizu K, Hara A, Yamamoto T, Kawai G, Saitou M, Takigami I, Matsuhashi A, Yamada K, Takei Y.
Int J Cancer. 2010 Jun 15;126(12):2790-8. PMID:19642105
A673細胞(ユーイング肉腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Combined functional genome survey of therapeutic targets for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Satow R, Shitashige M, Kanai Y, Takeshita F, Ojima H, Jigami T, Honda K, Kosuge T, Ochiya T, Hirohashi S, Yamada T.
Clin Cancer Res. 2010 May 1;16(9):2518-28. PMID:20388846
KIM-1細胞(肝細胞がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Role of syndecan-1 (CD138) in cell survival of human urothelial carcinoma.
Shimada K, Nakamura M, De Velasco MA, Tanaka M, Ouji Y, Miyake M, Fujimoto K, Hirao K, Konishi N.
Cancer Sci. 2010 Jan;101(1):155-60. PMID: 19860843
KU‐7細胞(膀胱がん細胞)の同所移植モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Traf2- and Nck-interacting kinase is essential for Wnt signaling and colorectal cancer growth.
Shitashige M, Satow R, Jigami T, Aoki K, Honda K, Shibata T, Ono M, Hirohashi S, Yamada T.
Cancer Res. 2010 Jun 15;70(12):5024-33. PMID:20530691
HCT116細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Knockdown of COPA, identified by loss-of-function screen, induces apoptosis and suppresses tumor growth in mesothelioma mouse model.
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211H細胞(中皮腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Mutant mouse p53 transgene elevates the chemical induction of tumors that respond to gene silencing with siRNA.
Tanooka H, Tatsumi K, Tsuji H, Noda Y, Katsube T, Ishii H, Ootsuyama A, Takeshita F, Ochiya T.
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3-methylcholanthreneで誘発した腫瘍塊の皮下移植マウスモデルへのsiRNA局所投与。 - beta-catenin small interfering RNA successfully suppressed progression of multiple myeloma in a mouse model.
Ashihara E, Kawata E, Nakagawa Y, Shimazaski C, Kuroda J, Taniguchi K, Uchiyama H, Tanaka R, Yokota A, Takeuchi M, Kamitsuji Y, Inaba T, Taniwaki M, Kimura S, Maekawa T.
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RPMI8226細胞(骨髄腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Amphiregulin is a factor for resistance of glioma cells to cannabinoid-induced apoptosis.
Lorente M, Carracedo A, Torres S, Natali F, Egia A, Hernández-Tiedra S, Salazar M, Blázquez C, Guzmán M, Velasco G.
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C6.4細胞(神経膠腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Promotion of glioma cell survival by acyl-CoA synthetase 5 under extracellular acidosis conditions.
Mashima T, Sato S, Sugimoto Y, Tsuruo T, Seimiya H.
Oncogene. 2009 Jan 8;28(1):9-19. PMID: 18806831
A1207細胞(神経膠芽腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - A novel human AlkB homologue, ALKBH8, contributes to human bladder cancer progression.
Shimada K, Nakamura M, Anai S, De Velasco M, Tanaka M, Tsujikawa K, Ouji Y, Konishi N.
Cancer Res. 2009 Apr 1;69(7):3157-64. PMID:19293182
KU7細胞(膀胱がん細胞)の同所移植モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Syndecan-1, a new target molecule involved in progression of androgen-independent prostate cancer.
Shimada K, Nakamura M, De Velasco MA, Tanaka M, Ouji Y, Konishi N.
Cancer Sci. 2009 Jul;100(7):1248-54. PMID:19432893
PC-3細胞(前立腺がん細胞の方)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Functional genome screen for therapeutic targets of osteosarcoma.
Yamaguchi U, Honda K, Satow R, Kobayashi E, Nakayama R, Ichikawa H, Shoji A, Shitashige M, Masuda M, Kawai A, Chuman H, Iwamoto Y, Hirohashi S, Yamada T.
Cancer Sci. 2009 Dec;100(12):2268-74. PMID:19725836
MNNG/HOS細胞(骨肉種細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Characterization of the recurrent 8p11-12 amplicon identifies PPAPDC1B, a phosphatase protein, as a new therapeutic target in breast cancer.
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ZR-75-1細胞(乳がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - RPN2 gene confers docetaxel resistance in breast cancer.
Honma K, Iwao-Koizumi K, Takeshita F, Yamamoto Y, Yoshida T, Nishio K, Nagahara S, Kato K, Ochiya T.
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MCF7-ADR細胞、MDA-MB-231/MDR1(乳がん細胞)の同所移植モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - A small interfering RNA targeting proteinase-activated receptor-2 is effective in suppression of tumor growth in a Panc1 xenograft model.
Iwaki K, Shibata K, Ohta M, Endo Y, Uchida H, Tominaga M, Okunaga R, Kai S, Kitano S.
Int J Cancer. 2008 Feb 1;122(3):658-63. PMID:17935125
PANC-1細胞(膵臓がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - ATP citrate lyase: activation and therapeutic implications in non-small cell lung cancer.
Migita T, Narita T, Nomura K, Miyagi E, Inazuka F, Matsuura M, Ushijima M, Mashima T, Seimiya H, Satoh Y, Okumura S, Nakagawa K, Ishikawa Y.
Cancer Res. 2008 Oct 15;68(20):8547-54. PMID:18922930
A549細胞(肺がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Effects of small interfering RNA targeting thymidylate synthase on survival of ACC3 cells from salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma.
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ACC-3細胞(唾液腺嚢胞がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Heregulin-induced activation of ErbB3 by EGFR tyrosine kinase activity promotes tumor growth and metastasis in melanoma cells.
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B16‐BL6細胞(メラノーマ細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - New highly potent and specific E6 and E7 siRNAs for treatment of HPV16 positive cervical cancer.
Yamato K, Yamada T, Kizaki M, Ui-Tei K, Natori Y, Fujino M, Nishihara T, Ikeda Y, Nasu Y, Saigo K, Yoshinouchi M.
Cancer Gene Ther. 2008 Mar;15(3):140-53. PMID:18157144
SiHa細胞(子宮頸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Down regulation of BRCA2 causes radio-sensitization of human tumor cells in vitro and in vivo.
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HeLa細胞(子宮頸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Nek2 as an effective target for inhibition of tumorigenic growth and peritoneal dissemination of cholangiocarcinoma.
Kokuryo T, Senga T, Yokoyama Y, Nagino M, Nimura Y, Hamaguchi M.
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HuCCT1細胞(胆管がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。また、腹膜播種モデルマウスへの腹腔内投与。 - Single-injection ornithine decarboxylase-directed antisense therapy using atelocollagen to suppress human cancer growth.
Nakazawa K, Nemoto T, Hata T, Seyama Y, Nagahara S, Sano A, Itoh H, Nagai Y, Kubota S.
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MKN45細胞(胃がん細胞)、COLO201細胞(大腸がん細胞)、RD細胞(横紋筋肉腫細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルへのアンチセンスオリゴ局所投与。また、同モデルへのアンチセンスオリゴ腹腔内投与および筋肉内投与。 - Tumor-suppressive miR-34a induces senescence-like growth arrest through modulation of the E2F pathway in human colon cancer cells.
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HCT116細胞およびRKO細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Involvement of aminopeptidase N in enhanced chemosensitivity to paclitaxel in ovarian carcinoma in vitro and in vivo.
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Int J Cancer. 2007 May 15;120(10):2243-50. PMID:17266036
ES‐2細胞(卵巣がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Intratumor injection of small interfering RNA-targeting human papillomavirus 18 E6 and E7 successfully inhibits the growth of cervical cancer.
Fujii T, Saito M, Iwasaki E, Ochiya T, Takei Y, Hayashi S, Ono A, Hirao N, Nakamura M, Kubushiro K, Tsukazaki K, Aoki D.
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SKG-II細胞(子宮頸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Small interfering RNA targeting epidermal growth factor receptor enhances chemosensitivity to cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil and docetaxel in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
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SAS細胞(口腔扁平上皮がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Combinational antitumor effect of siRNA against midkine and paclitaxel on growth of human prostate cancer xenografts.
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PC‐3細胞(前立腺がん細胞の方)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - The human papillomavirus E6 and E7 inducible oncogene, hWAPL, exhibits potential as a therapeutic target.
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SiHa細胞(子宮頸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Morpholino antisense oligomer targeting human midkine: its application for cancer therapy.
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PC‐3細胞(前立腺がん細胞の方)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのモルフォリノオリゴ局所投与。 - Atelocollagen-mediated synthetic small interfering RNA delivery for effective gene silencing in vitro and in vivo.
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NEC8細胞(精巣胚細胞性腫瘍細胞)の同所移植モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - A small interfering RNA targeting vascular endothelial growth factor as cancer therapeutics.
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PC‐3細胞(前立腺がん細胞の方)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのsiRNA局所投与。 - Antisense oligodeoxynucleotide against HST-1/FGF-4 suppresses tumorigenicity of an orthotopic model for human germ cell tumor in nude mice.
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NEC8細胞(精巣胚細胞性腫瘍細胞)の同所移植モデルマウスへのアンチセンスオリゴ局所投与。 - 5'-,3'-inverted thymidine-modified antisense oligodeoxynucleotide targeting midkine. Its design and application for cancer therapy.
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CMT-93細胞(大腸がん細胞)の皮下腫瘍モデルマウスへのアンチセンスオリゴ局所投与。 - Antisense oligodeoxynucleotide targeted to Midkine, a heparin-binding growth factor, suppresses tumorigenicity of mouse rectal carcinoma cells.
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- Low blood level of tumour suppressor miR-5193 as a target of immunotherapy to PD-L1 in gastric cancer.
- Knockdown of mechanosensitive adaptor Hic-5 ameliorates post-traumatic osteoarthritis in rats through repression of MMP-13.
Miyauchi A, Noguchi M, Lei XF, Sakaki M, Kobayashi-Tanabe M, Haraguchi S, Miyazaki A, Kim-Kaneyama JR.
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変形性関節症モデルラットの関節内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Carotenoid transporter CD36 expression depends on hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in mouse soleus muscles.
Kitakaze T, Sugihira T, Kameyama H, Maruchi A, Kobayashi Y, Harada N, Yamaji R.
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(β-Carotene摂取による筋肥大の研究)マウスのヒラメ筋内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Both microRNA-455-5p and -3p repress hypoxia-inducible factor-2α expression and coordinately regulate cartilage homeostasis.
Ito Y, Matsuzaki T, Ayabe F, Mokuda S, Kurimoto R, Matsushima T, Tabata Y, Inotsume M, Tsutsumi H, Liu L, Shinohara M, Tanaka Y, Nakamichi R, Nishida K, Lotz MK, Asahara H.
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変形性関節症モデルマウスの関節内へのmiRNA局所投与。 - MiR-199-3p enhances muscle regeneration and ameliorates aged muscle and muscular dystrophy.
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筋損傷モデルマウス前脛骨筋内へのmiRNA局所投与および尾静脈投与。 - Effect of enhanced aryl hydrocarbon receptor expression on inflammatory response and healing of alveolar bone defects in diabetic rats.
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糖尿病モデルラット頭蓋骨欠損部へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Extracellular transglutaminase 2 induces myotube hypertrophy through G protein-coupled receptor 56.
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(筋線維肥大の研究)マウスのヒラメ筋内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - ROR2 blockade as a therapy for osteoarthritis.
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半月板・靱帯損傷モデルマウスの関節内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Wwp2 maintains cartilage homeostasis through regulation of Adamts5.
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変形性関節症モデルマウスの膝へのmRNAおよびsiRNA局所投与。 - Dissociation of Systemic Glucose Homeostasis from Triacylglyceride Accumulation by Reduced Acsl6 Expression in Skeletal Muscle.
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(グルコース恒常性の研究)マウスの腹腔内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Effects of Co-Transfection with Myostatin-Targeting siRNA and ActRIIB-Fc Fusion Protein on Skeletal Muscle Growth.
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(筋萎縮症の研究)マウスの咬筋内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - lncRNA Chronos is an aging-induced inhibitor of muscle hypertrophy.
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(筋萎縮症の研究)マウスの前脛骨筋内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - AAA-ATPase p97 suppresses apoptotic and autophagy-associated cell death in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts.
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関節炎モデルラットの関節内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Inhibition of microRNA-222 expression accelerates bone healing with enhancement of osteogenesis, chondrogenesis, and angiogenesis in a rat refractory fracture model.
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難治性骨折モデルラットの骨折部へのmiRNAおよびmiRNA inhibitor局所投与。 - Lentivirus-TAZ Administration Alleviates Osteoporotic Phenotypes in the Femoral Neck of Ovariectomized Rats.
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骨粗鬆症モデルラットの大腿骨頚部へのレンチウイルスベクター局所投与。 - RasGRP4 is Aberrantly Expressed in the Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Controls their Proliferation.
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関節炎モデルラットの関節内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Female-specific regulation of skeletal muscle mass by USP19 in young mice.
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(筋肉の研究)マウスの後肢筋内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Acceleration of healing of the medial collateral ligament of the knee by local administration of synthetic microRNA-210 in a rat model.
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靭帯損傷モデルラットの靭帯損傷部へのmiRNA局所投与。 - The effect of administration of double stranded MicroRNA-210 on acceleration of Achilles tendon healing in a rat model.
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アキレス腱損傷モデルラットのアキレス腱損傷部へのmiRNA局所投与。 - The CXCR4/SDF1 axis improves muscle regeneration through MMP-10 activity.
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筋損傷モデルマウスの前脛骨筋内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Intra-articular injection of synthetic microRNA-210 accelerates avascular meniscal healing in rat medial meniscal injured model.
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半月板損傷モデルラットの関節内へのmiRNA局所投与。 - Local Applications of Myostatin-siRNA with Atelocollagen Increase Skeletal Muscle Mass and Recovery of Muscle Function.
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筋ジストロフィーモデルマウスの咬筋内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - A small interfering RNA targeting Lnk accelerates bone fracture healing with early neovascularization.
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骨折モデルマウスの骨折部へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Histone demethylase Jmjd3 regulates osteoblast differentiation via transcription factors Runx2 and Osterix.
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(骨分化の研究)新生児マウスの頭蓋骨形成部へのsiRNA局所投与。 - The Effect of Intra-articular Injection of MicroRNA-210 on Ligament Healing in a Rat Model.
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前十字靭帯損傷モデルラットの関節内へのmiRNA局所投与。 - Acceleration of muscle regeneration by local injection of muscle-specific microRNAs in rat skeletal muscle injury model.
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筋損傷モデルラットの前脛骨筋内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Presenilin-1 acts via Id1 to regulate the function of muscle satellite cells in a gamma-secretase-independent manner.
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筋損傷モデルマウスの腓腹筋内へののsiRNA局所投与。 - Induction of apoptosis in the synovium of mice with autoantibody-mediated arthritis by the intraarticular injection of double-stranded MicroRNA-15a.
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- Knockdown of mechanosensitive adaptor Hic-5 ameliorates post-traumatic osteoarthritis in rats through repression of MMP-13.
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(皮膚恒常性や毛周期の研究)マウス皮膚へのmiRNA inhibitor局所投与。 - The Contribution of LIGHT (TNFSF14) to the Development of Systemic Sclerosis by Modulating IL-6 and T Helper Type 1 Chemokine Expression in Dermal Fibroblasts.
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強皮症モデルマウスの皮膚へのsiRNA局所投与。" - Elevated Alpha 1(I) to Alpha 2(I) Collagen Ratio in Dermal Fibroblasts Possibly Contributes to Fibrosis in Systemic Sclerosis.
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強皮症モデルマウスの皮膚へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Endothelial CCR6 expression due to FLI1 deficiency contributes to vasculopathy associated with systemic sclerosis.
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強皮症モデルマウスの皮膚へのsiRNA局所投与。 - TGFβ promotes fibrosis by MYST1-dependent epigenetic regulation of autophagy.
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強皮症モデルマウスの皮膚へのsiRNA局所投与。 - TGFβ-induced epigenetic deregulation of SOCS3 facilitates STAT3-signaling to promote fibrosis.
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強皮症モデルマウスの皮膚へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Regulation of skin fibrosis by RALDH1-producing dermal dendritic cells via retinoic acid-mediated regulatory T cell induction: A role in scleroderma.
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強皮症モデルマウスの皮内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Inactivation of tankyrases reduces experimental fibrosis by inhibiting canonical Wnt signalling.
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強皮症モデルマウスの皮内へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Inhibition of sumoylation prevents experimental fibrosis.
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脊髄損傷モデルマウスの脊髄損傷部へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Photomechanical Wave-Driven Delivery of siRNAs Targeting Intermediate Filament Proteins Promotes Functional Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury in Rats
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過活動膀胱モデルラットの膀胱へのsiRNA経カテーテル投与。 - The Role of microRNAs Related to Apoptosis for N-Methyl-d-Aspartic Acid-Induced Neuronal Cell Death in the Murine Retina.
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(緑内障の研究)マウス硝子体内へのmiRNAおよびmiRNA inhibitor局所投与。 - Tie1 contributes to the development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome under the regulation of EGR1 in granulosa cells.
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卵巣過剰刺激症候群モデルラットの卵管の付け根へのsiRNAマイクロインジェクション。 - The matrix vesicle cargo miR-125b accumulates in the bone matrix, inhibiting bone resorption in mice.
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LPS誘導性頭蓋骨溶解モデルマウスのLPS投与部周辺へのmiRNA局所投与。 - Suppression of NLRP3 inflammasome improves alveolar bone defect healing in diabetic rats.
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糖尿病モデルラットの歯槽骨欠損部へのshRNA局所投与。 - Theobromine suppresses adipogenesis through enhancement of CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein β degradation by adenosine receptor A1.
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(肥満の研究)マウスの精巣上体周辺脂肪組織へのsiRNA局所投与。 - PACAP suppresses dry eye signs by stimulating tear secretion.
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ドライアイモデルマウスの眼窩涙腺周囲へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Protein S exacerbates alcoholic hepatitis by stimulating liver natural killer T cells.
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アルコール性肝炎モデルマウスへのsiRNA腹腔内投与。 - Attenuated AMH signaling pathway plays an important role in the pathogenesis of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
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金属アレルギーモデルマウスの耳介へのsiRNA局所投与。 - Osteopontin knockdown in the kidneys of hyperoxaluric rats leads to reduction in renal calcium oxalate crystal deposition.
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