Method for local administration of AteloGene | Koken Co., Ltd.

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Method for local administration

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For best results, cover the whole target site with the “AteloGene®” & siRNA/miRNA mixture. Although the standard single dose for a mouse is 200 μL of the mixture, adjustments may be required depending on the target sites and sizes. Repeated administrations, e.g., once a week for 3 weeks, twice a week for 2 weeks, etc., are also possible.

Example of local administration

Administration to subcutaneous tumor

1)Anesthetize the mouse so that it will not be awaken by the injection.
2)Lift the tumor up with forceps. With the cut surface of the needle tip turned upward, insert the needle to approximately 2-3 mm from the xenografted tumor.

Tips: It is advised to employ forceps with the needle, which enables you to fine-tune the movement of the needle during the administration processes.

3)Along the bottom of the tumor, advance the needle to the far side of the tumor (①). Inject 1/6-1/8 of the total volume of the “AteloGene®” & siRNA/miRNA mixture.

4) Draw the needle towards the pierced point and forward the needle beneath the tumor (②)and inject 1/6-1/8 of the total volume of the mixture.

Tips: To eject the mixture into target sites, it is necessary to draw the needle close to the pierced point prior to each injection. However avoid pulling the needle out, as it may cause leakage of the mixture.

5)Repeat 4) on both sides (③ and ④), the top (⑤) and the front side (⑥) of the tumor.

Tips: It is advantageous to follow this sequences as the border between the skin and the tumor becomes unclear once the tumor is covered by the mixture.

6) If there are any uncovered parts, move the needle around and inject the mixture to cover the tumor evenly.
7)Withdraw the needle gently to avoid leakage of the mixture.

Evaluation of the siRNA/miRNA transfection effect

Effects of siRNA/miRNA transfections with AteloGene® may differ depending on the siRNA/miRNA sequences, expression levels of target genes, target tissues, etc. Please consider optimizing siRNA/miRNA concentrations, administration frequencies and timings for administrations and evaluations accordingly.